Viking – 495

Viking’s Motor Speed Product Line internal gear pumps represent a technological advance in the science of flow. Through new techniques of feeding the rotor and idler, Viking has achieved what was once considered impossible – high flow rates operating at motor speeds. The largest size (QS) operates at reduced speeds, but still faster than other pumps of similar displacement. Higher speeds mean greater value, with the ability to move more fluid with a smaller pump. It also enables close-coupling to a motor or gear motor, which eliminates shaft misalignment and results in longer seal and bearing life by preventing wear due to misalignment.

Gửi báo giá

Mô tả


  • Direct drive with no gear reducer (with 60 Hz 4 pole motor to 205 GPM / 47 m3/h, 6 pole motor to 350 GPM / 80 m3/h, 8 pole motor to 460 GPM / 104 m3/h)
    • Reduces cost of installation
    • Eliminates one shaft alignment
    • Eliminates one set of couplings and coupling guard
    • Reduces footprint
    • Eliminates gearbox lubrication and maintenance
  • Close-couple to C-face motor or gearmotor at flows to 350GPM / 80 m3/h
    • Eliminates all shaft misalignment and coupling guards
    • Keeps shafts aligned for longer seal and bearing life
    • Simplifies mounting on skid frame without extra baseplate
    • Enables vertical mounting for smallest footprint (up to 350 GPM / 80 m3/h)
  • Heavy duty design with sealed-for-life bearings
    • No relubrication required
    • Thrust control enables pressures to 250 PSI / 17 BAR (G-AL sizes) or 150 PSI / 10 BAR (KE-QS sizes)
    • Enables end clearance adjustment for viscosity or to compensate for wear over time
  • Gauge ports standard on all sizes.
    • Allows easy application of gauges or transducers
  • Behind-the-rotor mechanical seals with FKM elastomers and Carbon/SiC faces as standard
    • Eliminates bracket bushing, enables use of antifriction bearing external to liquid
    • Heavy duty seal provides broad application, long life
    • Casing weep hole between seal and forward bearing enables detection of seal leakage, prevents intrusion into sealed bearing
  • KE-QS sizes are available with ANSI or DIN flanges. No piping adaptors required to conform to local standards
  • Opposite porting enables easy in-line mounting to almost any piping system
  • Pressure lubricated idler pin lubricates the idler pin/bushing interface to extend life on thin liquids (AS-QS Sizes)
  • Static O-ring seals ensure maximum sealing capability on thin liquids (flat gaskets furnished on relief valve only on G-HL sizes)
  • Hardened steel idler on KE-QS sizes provides maximum service life and helps protect against cavitational wear on low NPSHa applications


CAPACITY: 0 to 115 GPM (0 to 26 m³/h)

PRESSURE: to 250 PSI (17 BAR)

TEMPERATURE: -40 to +300 °F (-40 to +150 °C)

VISCOSITY: 28 to 15,000 SSU (1 to 3,300 cST)


SERIES 495, 4195

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Công ty TNHH Giải Pháp Kỹ Thuật Tân Long – nhà phân phối chính thức thương hiệu Bơm bánh răng, Bơm cánh khể VIKING (Mỹ) tại Việt Nam

🤙 090909 1789



🏬 146/18 Nguyễn Hữu Thọ, Phước Kiển, Nhà Bè, TP. Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam